:Title Combat Air Patrol :Description Helicopters: 2 :Para Targets: Aircraft :Para Weapons: 16 Hellfire, Stingers :Para Take-off time: 05:50 :Para Flight time: 9 mins :Para Weather: Light fog :Para Protection of high value targets from enemy attack is a high priority. You are required to fly Combat Air Patrol over your air base. Enemy air activity is high so be prepared. :Outstanding Your heroic and spectacular defence of this key air base has won you widespread admiration and praise from the airfield personnel. Promotion cannot be far away. :Success Your defence of this key air base has won you widespread admiration and praise from the airfield personnel. Your superiors are delighted with your efforts. :Failure Your failure to protect the base from enemy attack has resulted in a catastrophic loss of life and equipment. Your superiors are appalled at your incompetence. :EOF